Stomach Ache

Being addicted to MONEY is like wrapping SLOTH, GREED, AND PRIDE up in a burrito and having it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of your life. We are so misguided…

Key Facets for a Brighter Future

Instead of narrowing our focus on the misfortunes plaguing our world, let us look to the future with bright eyes and open minds. This article is a list of technologies and present innovations – of realizations and higher vibrations. We, as a collective, can either get sucked into the spiraling delusion of doomsday, or we can soar into the […]

Diamond in the Rough

We want a legacy of integrity as a species. We want unity and harmony with one another and with nature. We want everlasting joy – the true essence of freewill and freedom. Good news is: We are made of stars and have an incredible power to shine. A noble destiny – for this planet and for ourselves as a […]

Evolved Eating

Think about it… Animals are sentient beings with hearts, lungs, brains – dreams. Cows and Pigs and Chickens are all capable of giving and receiving love. We suffer when we torture our sibling species. We kill our own humanity when we consume them. We cannot allow craving, desire, and greed to control our consciousness. Being a vegetarian or […]

Vegan Cheats: Let the Haters Hate

What’s Veganism? How do you do it?? Gosh, that’s so hard. You can’t eat anything. I could never. I love meat. I hear at least one of these phrases everyday. Here’s the deal: I love my Vegan diet so, when I meet fun people, I want to share this super awesome way-of-life with them! Bummer is, most would rather […]

Ying and Yang

It’s an interesting visual to search Google image for a stereotype, classification, category, label, etc. It’s like a psychology experiment with an instantly gratifying conclusion. I recently tested the phrases “Junk Food” versus “Healthy Food” to see what the engine would show me. I eat organic and processed food freaks me out, but I didn’t think about […]

Clear Skies

Hello World Wide Web!! This post is a shout-out to my generational peers who will guide our fragile earth into the destined future. Now, if you have yet to encounter a conversation regarding climate change, ocean extinction, rainforest deforestation, food supply, population growth, etcetera, etcetera, then you, my dear friend, have got your head stuck in a […]

A Word from Albert and I

How are we still so far behind in our level of thinking? Let’s take a trip back through the pages of our his/hertory books. In the 19th century when the meat packing industry in America was booming and the construction of railroads made the transportation of goods for mass consumption easy. Back when the cool […]